Saturday, January 29, 2011

Are you collecting Box Tops at Home?

The Box Top contest is here! The deadline will likely fall around the end of February (I'll get an exact date to you when I know more). Please keep collecting at home so we can get our classroom in the Top 5 at TPS! (Last semester, the top-collecting class had right under 2,000 Box Tops collected!)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Math Stars of the Week

Yet another week of “doubles addition” practice is behind us! This week’s top honorees are:
Marco Pecorino
Katie Potts
Chloe Morgan
Natilee Friedlein 

These students were able to complete 25 facts last week in 1 minute or less. Congrats to these hard-working students!

We have several students very close to hitting the mark! Help your child practice at home simply by calling out doubles facts between 1 and 12! For additional practice, write some down for him or her to answer quickly. If you would like additional copies of facts to practice with at home, send me a note and I will get some in your child's take home folder!

New Pictures Coming Soon!

Sorry there haven't been any new pictures to see recently! I brought my camera cord to school before Christmas break and somewhere between school and home and the nightmare called Christmas decorations it ran astray. I've ordered another hopefully pictures will appear soon!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Weather Updates

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With The Weather Channel and James Spann both positive we will have snow and/or icy rain between late Sunday and Monday morning, it is uncertain as to whether school will even be held on Monday. However, I know no more than you guys do when it comes to school closings. For up-to-the-minute weather updates, please visit the Tuscaloosa County School website at or the severe weather page of the site at